
Liz Wang

Aurora is an app that helps women build a resilient body image through guided reflections.

Aurora. Change how we see ourselves.

A majority of women are dissatisfied with how they look. According to a 2018 study, 80% of women are unhappy with their bodies. A poor body image is a lifelong issue that affects our self-esteem and can lead to mental health issues.

Aurora is an app that helps women build a resilient body image through guided reflections. An AI-powered voice assistant will walk them through different activities, prompting them to challenge the way they are talking about their body. They will be challenged with why they feel their perceived flaws are flaws and be prompted to describe their bodies in a more positive or neutral way. Through these quick and guided reflections, Aurora helps women get out of a negative spiral, change how they value their bodies, and start living fuller lives.

Process Book